Third week of compo class, let it go let it goooooo…. (sorry, Frozen)

Third week and it is the first week that we have to actually work on 3 projects at the same time: a ruff (two groups on leading the eye to the other through composition), a comp (from the ruffs of last week), and a final from the comp of last week which was done from the ruff or the first week).
Are you still with me?
I am not! all this is a lot of work…. or is it? I’d say it’s a lot of preparation, lots of thinking (for the rough and comp, lots of decision (for the final).

I’m still going full digital for convenience sake, and it’s nice to be able to move layers about, a bit to the left, let’s try this… without having to redo the drawing completely each time.

At one point it became clear that if I went on thinking about things and not doing them I’d not meet the dead line – I guess this is what Stephen Pressfield calls “the going pro moment) I just “did” it and “let if go” (yes I’m a Frozen fan, sorry).
That alone has made the week very very important in terms of learning.

Now, after the two videos chats with Glenn (and his drawing live to answer our questions) and the crits ( in which he draws over our work and spends whatever time is needed to make his point) here is my situation.

First, my final (my first comicbook style inking btw):


The people in the distance look separated, not part of a same scene, pasted on sort of, yes, I can see that now. Are our 3 sinister bad guys talking about one of them or the singer? could be clearer. But it’s seems I get an OK from Glenn yeah!!! Funny I did not see the two problems mentioned above before he pointed them out!!

my comp:
I went on with my idea of sketchers floating in the air on a sort of magic carpet or whirlwind of loose sheets (my copyrights, thank you).
But, at Glenn’s suggestion I changed the camera angle and also changed everything else – I dont believe in cooking with the rests of yesterday’s meal!

here it is:


Yes, it could be even more extreme, and I’m going to make it that, a representation of us, sketchers as we go through life doing hundreds of sketches. I hope next week will surprise you (and me!)

As for the ruffs (two groups of people) for some readon I had in mind something with walkiries and UFOS, dont ask me why, ask my shrink (dont have one!). here are my three ruffs:




as you can see they are VERY ruff, and it’s one thing I learned this week: ruffs are showing ideas, they have to be readable (“is that a dog or a gun?” no, that’s not readable if they ask you that). I vas nervous sending in such kiddie like drawings, but these are constructed, deeply thought about drawing, not kids ones. So that’s one thing new I learned!

Glenn found….. my walkirie to e the most interesting (it’s based on a Daumier composition that might explain a lot :-D). But he thinks he could be more extreme!

I must go more extreme in everything!!!!! ok, let’ go…. I think I’m still too shy with moving the camera about, remember those two pages in “drawing the marvel way” they show the same actions but “normal” way and “marvel” way; Something like this I guess is what I should do (minus the superhero angle of course).

Shall I be able to “let it ooooouuuuut” even more? I see in which direction to go now, and that is the main thing, with a bit of luck I’m going to be too tired and busy to think and restrain myself!

more of those fascinating artistic adventures next week!

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