Sorry for not being here last week I was not well (no – not covid, thanks guys lol)I’m going to make it up to you by talking of what I think is the most important (I almost wrote “magic” class … Continue reading
My spidersense tells me something about you – stare at this text, closer, closer – there I see it: among your drawing problems is: you draw too dark, also you always make on part of the body, always the same, … Continue reading
What did you do for Halloween? (personally I drew 6 hours thanks to zoom model pose sessions, google them) I’m pretty sure some of you decided to go traditional and simply took a bed sheet and put it over you, … Continue reading
Head painting going rather well, we started a new portrait and glazed for the second time the first portrait we did. It was less scary than the first time (it was also a lighter glaze) and I am beginning to … Continue reading
Before I talk as promised of the figure drawing 2 and 3 let me tell you about my week: This is for me week 4 of head painting. Glazing is the topic, well on form of glazing, and Glenn Vilppu … Continue reading
10 oct The head painting class is going on and we are starting color, it takes time mixing the colors from the three primaries but I have a feeling it’s like riding a bike: it becomes part of you and … Continue reading
3oct 21 I’m currently in the “head painting” class for which having done “head drawing” is a requirement, it’ s the only painting class currently at and therefore less likely t o interest directly readers here as Glenn Vilppu … Continue reading
THIS BLOG IS ALIVE AGAIN! Welcome to “studying with Glenn Vilppu, an adventure in art”, apologies for the long silence (I was very busy drawing). I’m starting this blog again for the following reasons: I’ve been studying with Glenn for … Continue reading
Week 7 to 10 health and the big secret behind art making You are drawing and painting day and night, reading books about the masters and “the art of pixar” while you have lunch, you are on a roll and … Continue reading
Weeks 5&6: And now for something completely different! (I use the word “technique” in the text below to describe a way of thinking, of describing, or a mental tool, a mindset. In short: what I call here “techniques” could be … Continue reading