compo 1 week 9 how wacky can you get?

compo 1 week 9 how wacky can you get?

It’s decided: I’m going to let my true nature – whatever it is – out and let my assignment be what it wants to be.

I have to say I did not expect something so crazy to come out – and to come out ery very easily and naturally. Am I a Toon like some friends of mine say?

In any case, here is item A, your honour, as they say in court-room dramas:

andes final2


Yes I know: it’s insane, but it feels very natural to me, probably because I grew up on nonsensical humour from french-belgian comics, monty python and Goon shows (nothing to do with “the goon” radio show of the 50s, research it, you’ll go mad too and get pain in you stomach muscle laughing so hard)

Glenn found it clear and perfect in terms of story telling (I’m proud of the way the action starts in a world where things are different from ours, but I keep the reader up to date on what that universe is like in one dialogue in one panel).

The pacing is great (again I’m proud of the bit about the underside and upper side of the “andian overhang” it was not easy choosing which moments of the action to show to make it understandable)

Glenn had one thing to say that was negative: my characters (outside of the silouhete of our faceless hero) are drawn quickly and without care, something I can do and indeed do every week in the head class (in which I’ve also specialised lately in carefully rendered toonish heads)

If I can draw a cartoon cleanly I should do it in my comics too!

true and logical. I know what to do for next week.

And expect to see again those two flyboys and their rebel butterflies, I’m preparing a web comic and they will be part of the world I’m building (yes it will be totally insane yet logical in it’s own…. well, Shakespeare put it better than I could: there is method in my madness! 😀

Before the end of the week you’ll get the last installement of this ten week caurse, cause next week I start doing for the second time the part two of the composition class.

My first time around, compo 1 and 2 proved a nightmare, I did not get what it was about, and Glenn, knowing that I had a thick skin was merciless with me (I think his Finn ancestry makes him a bit “too the point”) but I have passed through the difficulty that I was creating myself by holding myself back: toon toon toon! ok baby you wanted to be a great painter? you can still be one, but your real call is cartoon.

Remember how Conan Doyle was annoyed that Sherlock Holmes took too much importance compared to his real litterary work. As the British library boss in charge of his work said: “WHAT real litterary work?”

see you in a day or two

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