compo2 week 7 the worst pun ever, and it’s mine !

The video lecture this week was particularly fantastic.
I did not use to think er… well, not think anything at all about Cézanne, to be honest, but Glenn has in one hour dissected the man and his influence, how he was a bridge between two periods of art history.
Result: I’m now a fan of Cézanne.
The chat (2 hours of live videos and drawing via internet, lots of fun too) added to this feeling.
I sent two submissions, one the wave with some warm light in it:


Glenn remarked very accurately that if my goal was to make this into a fake ukyio-e I should use flat color and not complex changing colors that look like pastel or something modern like it.
        Point taken, this is 100% right.

Now, my second submission:
        I wanted to do something Cézanne-like, and in a style new to me, and using a very very limited palette (translate by: I wanted to make my life miserable). I tried my best and it’s not glorious, here is the result:


        Glenn pointed out the good points: the story is clear, but story telling has nothing to with composition (more about this next week), the objects on the floor and wall see to be posted there. It’s not working!
        I do feel like the token idiot of the class this week but i’m proud of one thing: I’ve given this piece a title that is the worse pun ever and I’m proud of it: Cézanne Street.
        Knowing that if you go on reading this blog it means you have a compassionate sense of humour 😀
        A difficult week, accepting that there is something my powerful mind cant grasp about composition (self-deprecating humour alert) but I’m going to ask Glenn some advice during the next chat and you’ll see what he has to say about it next week (teaser: he spends an hour helping me and showing the other students how they can learn from my mistakes)
        More next week, no pun included!

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